Saturday, November 1, 2008

Get Off Prescription Medications

Do you want to get off prescriptions? A prescription medication is what a physician prescribes for a symptom. In order to stop meds, there are some steps you can take.

Step 1. Tell your doctor to monitor you while you're making healthy changes. You do not have to ask their permission, but let them know what changes you're making. If there is a reasonable conflict, then change your plan. For example, say you wanted to go on a grapefruit diet but were taking a prescription medication that prohibits that. The doctor would be able to let you know that grapefruit has been shown to interfere with some enzymes that break down certain drugs in our intestines and liver, increasing blood levels of the drug which could lead to a higher risk of serious side effects. For this reason, any grapefruit product including dietary supplements that contain grapefruit flavonoids, can cause the same problems. In this situation, you would change your plan. Let's continue with the steps.

Step 2. Nourish your cells.

This is a big step. If you don't take this step, there's NO WAY you'll ever get off prescriptions. The reason? You cannot eat the foods necessary to provide your body with the nourishment it needs to stay healthy, fight illness, and prevent disease. Unless you eat foods grown in nutrient dense soil, allowed to ripen on the vine, and eaten without processing, it is impossible to get balanced nutrition. Plants get nutrients from the soil as they grow and ripen. If you pick an orange from a tree that hasn't got good soil, it will not have the 90mg of Vitamin C that it should have. Especially if picked early. Shipping foods, changes in temperature, and storage are also factors that deplete foods of nutrients. Then, we process the food. When I first heard about processing, I wasn't exactly sure what people were talking about. As I learned, it's not just fast foods, it's basics foods.

Let's look at eggs. They have really gotten a bad rap!

Once the agricultural revolution began, chickens were packed in together for large scale production. Then, they were fed cheaply and given hormones and antibiotics to keep up production and minimize illness. There is still an enormous loss of these animals because of their lifestyle, just like us!
So...when you get the egg, it's very easy to break because it has a thin shell (the first sign of a bad egg). The yolk is pale (compared to a good egg), and the whites are, well, runny. Enzymes are lost and protein denatured when you cook an egg. I don't eat uncooked eggs though. Yuck! Some people do, and achieve the benefits. Did you know that an egg from a chicken that is not raised under those conditions has such powerful nutrition, that it will balance cholesterol levels even when cooked? In our family, we eat up to 10 eggs a week - per person! No one in our family has high cholesterol levels. So, you can't tell me that eggs are bad for cholesterol. You can tell me that bad eggs are bad for cholesterol!

How do you get your nutrition in today's world of processing? More processing. Really? Yep, the right kind of processing. Using today's technology, nutrient balance can be achieved using science. Here's what you need to know about balance. If we don't have it, our bodies get sick. To get off prescriptions you must provide nutritional balance to your body. For example, when we don't provide the body with the right kind of calcium, it steals it from the bone to help the heart. The body prioritizes. To it, the heart is more important. To you, the response is painful joints. If you are on a medication for osteoporosis, once balance is achieved, talk with your doctor to get off prescriptions.

Step 3. With your doctor's guidance, reduce or eliminate prescriptions one at a time.

Medications are chemicals. Your body does not recognize them. Aspirin was developed for headache relief. That does not mean your body is deficient in aspirin! You can live without it. Aspirin is not a prescription, but consider this: taking an aspirin a day increases your risk of developing macular degeneration? Why? Because those tiny blood vessels in your eye can bleed. Aspirin causes hemorrhaging at the capillary level. The smaller the blood vessel (capillary), the higher the risk. Your eyes and kidneys have very small blood vessels.

Look at your body systems. Doctors have done this for years. The trouble is, we don't re-connect and look at the whole. For example, lets look at the heart with regard to blood pressure.
Get off prescriptions for your heart? Most people who want to do that are guys. Why? Blood pressure medication can cause impotence. What guy wants to go through life with that? Oh, there's that prescription to counteract that, but at what risk to the heart? A huge one. When you have high blood pressure, unless it's related to stress (that's another story), the body senses a need to have higher pressure. It's trying to push that blood into places that aren't getting the blood needed. Those places can be your brain, your heart, your kidneys, or your legs - for example. When you have thickening in your blood vessels, it takes more pressure to get the blood through.

Thickening is caused by inflammation which is caused by nutritional deficiencies. The body doesn't have enough Vitamin C, L-lysine, and L-proline. Look for a high quality full spectrum multivitamin/mineral product with these nutrients for heart health. Don't forget your Omegas! Combined with your multi may just change your health story!

Step 4. Enjoy life when you get off prescriptions.

Deb Shore is the author of the website She has helped hundreds of the "health challenged" create a new lifestyle through her online stories. If you're looking for a way to change your health story, check it out! Learn how to build your foundation of health through NUTRITION!


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