Sunday, November 16, 2008

Which Medication For Bleeding Hemorrhoids Works?

When you have a bleeding hemorrhoid it is a very serious medical condition which you need to address right away. If you don't, excessive bleeding could occur and other health problems could pop up as a result so you want to get it treated as soon as possible. This article will give you an idea of a medication for bleeding hemorrhoids which will give you some relief from the symptoms that plague your body, the itching, swelling, redness, and bleeding that you shouldn't have to live with another day.

So what exactly causes a hemorrhoid to start bleeding? Unfortunately there is no simple answer to this simple question. There are multiple factors which contribute to this but they can all be separated into primary and secondary causes. The primary causes for developing this type of condition is poor eating habits. What I mean by this is that some people tend to eat a lot of food that doesn't digest well in the stomach and takes a long time to process.

If you eat enough of this type of food through out a long period of time then you can eventually develop a hemorrhoid. The secondary cause for this condition is genetics, that is being born with a "hemorrhoid gene" from either your mother or father at birth. Some other secondary causes can be things like lack off sleep or irregular sleep schedules, lack of exercise, overworking, etc.

Basically living a lifestyle of stress and generally being unhealthy can make you a candidate for a hemorrhoid. The best thing you can do to prevent developing such a serious condition is getting enough sleep for your age, exercising on a regular basis, and eating plenty of foods which are easily digestible like fruits and vegetables. If you want to know more about a medication for bleeding hemorrhoids then its highly recommended that you talk to your doctor who can provide you with the information you're looking for.

If you are struggling with hemorrhoids, I know exactly how you feel.

After spending years and hundreds of dollars on products that just didn't work for me, I finally found something that cured my hemorrhoids for good.

My hemorrhoid story will shock you, but you need to read it if you want to save yourself time, money, and painful disappointment.

Click below to read my hemorrhoid story now.

=> My Hemorrhoid Story <=

Seriously, learn from my mistakes and learn how to get rid of your hemorrhoids fast.

Internal Hemorrhoid Treatment

It doesn't matter what type of hemorrhoids you have or how severe it is, it can be a frustrating and serious medical condition to deal with for anyone of any age. Some of the most common symptoms experienced by those who have hemorrhoids are burning, itching, irritation, and redness of the affected areas. Sufferers of this condition may also experience bleeding from their rectum due to the severity of the condition. There is in fact an internal hemorrhoid treatment that can work for you and deliver results you will be happy with.

If you have internal hemorrhoids then they can be scary and often times confusing condition to deal with. Most people who have them are overwhelmed and don't even know where to begin with treatment. One thing you might hear that is commonly tossed back and forth between doctors is a suggestion to get more fiber in the diet of the person who is experience problems with their internal hemorrhoids. Another suggestion is that the sufferer also ingests large amounts of water. Water is actually a very powerful cleansing agent that flushes out many of the harmful toxins that sit in the body and cause illness.

One thing some people looking for an internal hemorrhoid treatment might be tempted to do is use laxatives but they are generally not suggested by most doctors, or they are suggested in moderation. Having loose stool can actually worsen your problem by irritating the hemorrhoid tissues in your body and cause problems you will not want to deal with later on. Another option your doctor might give you is to use topical treatments such as creams and ointments which can be applied to the skin daily. It's important to follow any instructions you see on the packages of the treatment products, otherwise the product might be useless to you if used incorrectly.

If you are struggling with hemorrhoids, I know exactly how you feel.

After spending years and hundreds of dollars on products that just didn't work for me, I finally found something that cured my hemorrhoids for good.

My hemorrhoid story will shock you, but you need to read it if you want to save yourself time, money, and painful disappointment.

Click below to read my hemorrhoid story now.

=> My Hemorrhoid Story <=

Seriously, learn from my mistakes and learn how to get rid of your hemorrhoids fast.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Get Rid of the Symptoms With Bad Breath Medicines

When people ran away from you as you initiate a conversation, you most likely will rejected thinking that they do not want you. This can be a horrible experience especially this happened not only once but twice or even more. But instead of feeling down, check yourself for you might be a sufferer of halitosis, in simple terms bad breath. The truth is people cannot stand it when a whiff of smelly, stinking breath odor comes into their nostril.

It is a funny thing because sometimes they do stand it when they talk across people who are physically filthy but it is almost impossible to talk longer with someone who breathes out ghastly air. So, if you have been experiencing like they are rejecting you, check yourself if you do have it. Then if you do, don't whine at it instead seek bad breath medicines and cure it to avoid having the same scenario in the future.

When finding bad breath medicines, it is important to consider that there is no such thing as magical medicine which can immediately cure your condition. First and foremost, you cannot get a medicine over the counter without having to trace the root of your bad breath condition. There are bad breath medicines available, but these are actually offered in different methods. Not all of these methods are the right solution to your case.

So, before you actually pay for medicines, isolate the real cause of your halitosis. Halitosis results from a variety of causes and your treatment will relatively depend on which one why you are suffering from this condition.

So, for example, if your bad breath is the result of not properly practicing dental hygiene, all you will need for this is to ensure you correct this malpractice and do it regularly. But if your condition is past that basic cause, you need other way. For instance, if the cause is due to sinusitis, tonsillitis, and others, you will need to treat these medical conditions first before you can proceed with bad breath medicines.

Meanwhile, herbs, minerals, and other natural products can be used to cure severe bad breath symptoms. Many people have been relying on the wonders of natural resources for they not only effectively cure bad breath problems but they have therapeutic natural compounds found in them making them ideal to promote good physical condition and healthy mouth. If you consult with a dental professional or physical doctor, other kinds of bad breath medicines may be recommended depending on the real culprit of your halitosis condition.

Whatever bad breath medicines that are being prescribed, it is important that you still practice the proper oral hygiene care along with the medication intake. Brushing, flossing, mouth rinsing, avoiding spicy foods, taking care of your physical condition are among the most important proper practices to avoid bad breath.

Having a good breath and healthy mouth condition is not only a reason to smile more often but to have more confidence when you are talking in front of the people. You will find that is it also what people would not mind having in every person they wish to talk in front with, instead of suffering from the horrible fit of bad gas coming from the mouth of the sufferer.

If you have a good breath, it would never be a hassle to your social life; thus, a much happier life as well.

For more information please visit Health eBooks

Venapro Review - Is Venapro For You?

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, you must be looking for a cure fast to rid yourself of this uncomfortable lump in or around your rear end area. I have tried Venapro in the past and please do continue reading to find out if Venapro is suitable for you and a brief description of what Venapro is.

Venapro is a homeopathic type of medicine combined with some pills that you will have to consume on a regular basis to cure hemorrhoids. We are all familiar will pill consuming but some are confused to what homeopathic treatments via Venapro are. To clear thing up, Venapro homeopathic treatments requires you to spray the medicine under your tongue. Homeopathic medicine is non-invasive and prepared from natural plants and minerals.

Venapro uses a couple of ingredients but all of which are natural. The ingredients include horse chestnut, arnica, fluoride of lime, St. Mary's thistle, stone root, witch hazel, muriatic acid, krameria'mapato and 26% alcohol and purified water.

Now to my personal experience using Venapro. It has worked for me in the past and to immediate effect as well. My hemorrhoid problem has decreased in size after a week of constant using the medicine. I have recommended Venapro to those i know personally with hemorrhoids and all have great results with Venapro so far but there is a friend who couldn't take Venapro because she was allergic to alcohol, therefore you should also see if you are allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned above. Other than that, Venapro is highly recommended if you should have hemorrhoids and want to cure your problem fast.

Sabrina J is an independent health researcher and a previous hemorrhoid sufferer. She constantly searches best ways for treating body abnormalities such as the article above Venapro review. Visit her website about hemorrhoids for more tips that she has wrote and compiled for her visitors.

Refurbished Medical Equipment - Helping to Keep Medical Costs Down

It seems that almost every time you turn on the news now, you hear about skyrocketing medical costs. Its gotten so bad now that even of you have medical insurance, as soon as you get sick or need medical treatment your carrier is scrambling to find a way to wiggle out of paying your claim to leave you to die.

A New Growth Industry

This in turn has led to more medical professionals seeking new cost saving measures to help bring the overall cost of running their clinic or hospital down. This then has led to a new growth industry in the area of refurbished medical equipment.

Medical Hardware

So, what does refurbished medical equipment actually mean? Does it mean that your doctor is now going to start reusing disposable syringes? The simple answer to that question is of course not. This is because refurbished medical equipment basically refers to the hardware that you will find around a hospital or medical clinic.

A Huge Overseas Demand

Its the hospital beds and gurneys and all the various treys and carts that are being refurbished and its a good thing that they are. This is because so many developing countries that are trying so hard to make basic medical care available to their populations can't afford new medical equipment.

A Domestic Market for Refurbished Medical Equipment

Also, another market for refurbished medical equipment is private individuals that have an older parent or disabled family member living at home. Often times people such as these have to set up a room in their house with a wide variety of medical equipment, such as a hospital bed, oxygen tanks and respiration equipment and to do so with new medical equipment would be prohibitively expensive.

Written by Maynard Jensen. Want to know more about Medical Equipments Supply ? Check out my website, where I also host the top info on Cardiac Defibrillators as well.

Medical Tourism - The Best-Kept Secret in Plastic and Weight Loss Surgery

If you have heard of medical tourism, you may have questions about what it is and what you can expect. When you have some basic information about medical tourism in hand, you will know why it is becoming increasingly popular-- and why it can be right for you.

Medical tourism is one of the fastest-growing trends in health care today, and has been popular among the rich and famous for the past decade. These medical tourists travel to locations outside the US for their medical procedures, then remain in that location for their recovery before traveling back home. It allows the patient to have their surgery done by the hand of leading, world-class doctors, while enjoying the area and culture of a unique location. They also typically spend less money for their medical vacation than it would cost to have the surgery done in the US. Some popular destinations for medical tourism include Mexico, India, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.

You may be concerned that plastic surgery and other procedures that are not done in a familiar, sterile American hospital may not be up to par. This is the first misconception you can rule out. The medical professionals and facilities chosen for medical tourism not only meet but exceed the highest standards for quality care. When you see that it is accredited, you know that this means they maintain the highest standards of professionalism. You will never have to settle for less than the very best care from the finest medical staff.

Another benefit of medical tourism is that many people prefer to have personal input in their own health care. You may wish to have a procedure done which your general physician either is not qualified to do or has been urging you to take his approach toward the procedure. With medical tourism, your doctor does not make the decisions for you-- you make the decisions yourself.

Medical tourism also offers the opportunity to enjoy a new locale. Rather than spending an unnecessary amount of time and money being confined to a hospital room prior to and following a minor procedure, the excellent care you receive will allow you to use your time as you wish. If you have ever experienced the annoyance of waiting around in a hospital, you will surely appreciate being able to put the time into taking in the sights, doing some shopping, and having a relaxing mini-vacation.

Many people also appreciate medical tourism because the costs for procedures are decidedly lower than they would pay in an American hospital. Instead of paying high costs related to having your plastic surgery, you will have more money to spend on things you really enjoy.

The popularity of medical tourism is rising; and, as you can see, there are many good reasons for it!

Larry Sam (aka Lawrence Samuel) is a Primary Care Manager at Global Medical Service, Inc.

With hundreds of satisfied patients from the United States who have had plastic surgery and weight-loss surgery procedures done overseas, Global Medical Service, Inc. is a leader in custom medical tourism packages.

Global Medical Service, Inc. can be reached at or 888-905-8825.

Have Your Prescription Medications and Some Back-Up Meds Too

In these tough economic times, a lot of people have to choose between buying food, medicine, or are barely able to afford their meds. There are ways to save on prescription drugs, and ensure that you have enough medicine to last for a up to a month after your last prescription refill.

Quite a few pharmacies have programs where generic drugs cost $4.00 for a 30-day supply, and a 90-day supply costs $10.00. To get a three-month supply, a 90-day prescription from your doctor is required. Wal-Mart and Fred Meyer are two participating pharmacies, but there are many more. The 90-day plan is a total cost of $40.00 per year. A person with seven prescription meds would pay substantially less than he would if he were buying his prescriptions by the month. The $4.00 per month plan is great for those that have four or less medications to purchase. Many insurance companies have a medication-by-mail program where a 90-day supply can be obtained for the cost that equals one month co-pay.

Most Insurance companies also limit medication refills to one per month. For a person that is on a medication that and needs to take it every 4 hours, the drug runs out quickly. For another person that is struggling just to pay the required co-pay and frequently has to do without her medicine until the next payday, the following method is very helpful, and will work for a variety of scenarios. It will also work for people that do not have prescription drug plans that help pay for their meds.

When you get your prescriptions filled, there are 2 things that you can do to build a one-month back-up reserve of your oral medications.

  1. Set a few pills aside (7 or less) and put them in a separate container with a label that contains the name of the drug, the expiration date, and what it is for. If you have prescription insurance, most insurance companies will let pharmacies process refills when you have less than 7 days of medication remaining.
  2. If you have any medication left over from the previous refill when you get your new refill, you can place the leftover medication in your back-up stock instead of setting medication aside when you first get your refill.

Either one of these suggestions will work, and will achieve the same result.

It is important to stop when you have a one-month supply of each medication. If there is more than a 30-day supply, keeping track of rotating your medications will be difficult. To make sure that you always have fresh back-up meds, regularly trade the new refill of each med with your current back-up stock so that your medication never expires.

Since oral medications usually don't expire for several months, this article is intended toward those. Even though it can be done, it is not recommended that this method be used to create a reserve of medications that have to be injected such as insulin. These types of medications can spoil, and have some very nasty or fatal effects if not used correctly, and within the correct time limit.

© Copyright 2008 Patti McMann. All rights reserved.

Patti McMann is a freelance writer. She writes on a variety of topics for print and electronic publications. She has a diverse background in many subjects, and has degrees in business, marketing, and information technology. She is the author of the popular eBook "Diabetes: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics." Her website is

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Guide on Ceramics Usage in the Medical Industry

If you have ever heard of knee replacement surgery and wondered with which material the knee joints are made up of then the answer to that is the ceramic material. Also hip replacement surgery is done to replace the damaged hip bones because of accidents or old age. The material used nowadays in those hip bones is advanced ceramics.

The ceramics which are used in the medical industry are vastly different from what is used in the ball bearings or the dental industry. The ball bearings use the silica nitride or the silica carbide as the ceramics. This material has the ability to withstand large amounts of heat and that alone helps in reduced damage to the mechanical parts.

The medical industry's usage of ceramics is different in nature because of the fact that they use what is called as oxide ceramics which are the aluminum oxide or the zirconium oxide.

The basic need of the medical usage especially in hip and knee joints is that they should be strong and hard and also very stiff. In fact the ceramics used in the hips and the bones are so much harder that the only material which will be harder than them will be diamond. Also the other need is that no material or chemical should be able to corrode them or even have any sort of fungus formation or any bacterial germination in them. The reason is not hard to fathom as these will reside in the human body for almost 10 -20 years and there is no way of telling whether they are being corroded inside the body.

Now these oxide ceramics are chemically inert in the best possible manner which means that they cannot be damaged whatsoever.

The other advantage of the ceramic material used in the hip and knees treatment is that these cannot wear off easily and that means there are no particles which splinter off.

The biggest disadvantage about the ceramic material is that during the extreme stress and inaccurate stress conditions these materials can burst and splinter off the parts through out the whole body. That usually will happen in case there is extreme pressure that is deployed at incorrect angles or because of long usage say about 15 to 20 years.

All said the ceramics definitely have a lot of uses in the medical industry and further research is being done whereby even minimum amount of damage and wear and tear that occurs can be reduced and that will eliminate any need of further checks once these parts are put inside the body.

ceramic ball bearings industry has grown to a large size and the author talks about special ceramic ball bearings usage in the modern industrial world

What the Heck is a Generic Medical Release Form?

Sooner or later, you will be asked to sign a general medical release form. This may be at the hospital, at your doctor's office, before getting a tattoo or just before participating in a dangerous sport. The form really isn't for the doctors, the nurses or even for yourself or your health. It's more for your health insurance's convenience and for the convenience of any lawyers that might be involved should your medical case ever go to court. They can be slightly altered, like a business contract can be altered, to suit many occasions where you may wind up going to the hospital.

What They Look Like

Remember as a child playing with books of Mad Libs? They featured a lot of blank spaces in sentences to make a very funny mixture. When you first take a look at a generic medical release form, it will look a lot like a longer version of a Mad Lib. There are a lot of blanks that are filled in by you, your doctor or a business establishment to help suit whatever occasion is needed.

When You Will See Them

There are many situations where you may wind up having a page full of blank spaces handed to you on a clipboard to sign. If you want to get any kind of body piercing or if you want to go horseback riding, then you usually have to sign one of these forms before you are allowed in on the fun. General medical release forms, in these cases, means that you are aware that risks can happen and that you won't sue the pants off of anybody as the result of engaging on a somewhat dangerous activity.

You will also see these forms if you are about to get major or minor surgery. They also state that you are aware that you are about to engage in an activity that in inherently risky. Many health insurance plans require you to sign these forms even if you need life-saving surgery.

But What If I Need To Sue?

Even though your signature may be on a truckload of general medical release forms, you still have the right to sue in extreme situations. For example, if you hired a horse for horseback riding, then the stable has to legally provide you with a horse safe for riding. If they give you a horse that literally eats people in the middle of a ride, then you have a very good case for suing the stable due to the loss of your pound of flesh.

But you can't sue the stable for blisters on your heels because of having to wear protective footwear. You also can't sue for destruction of your clothing should the horse slobber on you after the ride.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about generic medical release form, please visit A Medical Transcription Guide for current articles and discussions.

Medical Labels - Using Proper Identification to Save Lives

Hospital medication errors injure 400,000 people every year and cost millions of dollars in rising malpractice insurance rates, lawsuits and extended hospital stays. Surgical errors, while considerably smaller in number, are almost as expensive, not merely in terms of lawsuits but in loss of patient confidence. All these errors can be prevented by accurate, timely, definitive medical labeling.

The errors are not surprising. Hospitals struggle with budgets, and these fiscal restraints mean they are often understaffed. As a result, medical personnel, from nurses to technicians, often have to work twice as hard to manage rising levels of admissions as baby-boomers succumb to the problems of aging, and fast-spreading seasonal illnesses like flu swamp staffing parameters.

Syringe labels that detail the protocols for administering medication, backed by medication labels that state medication names on IV lines, go a long way toward preventing medication errors. Additional line ID labels and IV tube change labels assist change-of-staff procedures, helping incoming nurses see the status of their patients at a glance.

Laboratory labels that specify the types of urine, blood or tissue testing to be done prevent unreadable handwriting from becoming an issue when the wrong test results are delivered to doctors, and prevent additional blood draws from patients in an already precarious state of health.

Patient advisory and warning labels, for everything from a dietary restriction to a medication allergy, keep patients safe from inadvertent mix-ups, and patient chart and file labels provide consulting physicians with easy access to vital information, such as known and potentially lethal medical conditions.

In the fast-paced world of medical care, where patients are routinely handed off to shifts every six to eight hours, labeling is essentially medical shorthand for patient care, enabling workers - even those with English as a second language - to comply with safety protocols that protect patients from harm and hospitals from serious error. Medical labels are an essential in an any medical setting.

Stephen is a writer for Universal Medical Inc.
Universal Medical Inc is a premier provider of medical labels and health care industry products. For the complete label line - please visit

Why Are Online Pharmacies Popular

The Internet has certainly made life more convenient for everyone. There used to be a time when the Internet used to be used primarily for researching information and in so being, very many students, teachers and college professors benefited. More people then began harnessing the power of the Internet to read news and send messages through e-mail. But nowhere else has the Internet been as beneficial as when shopping. When online shopping made a debut on the World Wide Web, people were leery at first based on numerous reports concerning identity theft. While identity theft is a real concern for people who shop online, the threat has diminished considerably. This is because sites use better encryption and also safeguard customers' information better. Today one of the fastest growing shops are online pharmacies. These have become widely popular as more and more people prefer to visit them rather than make that drive to a regular pharmacy. So why are online pharmacies popular?

One of the reasons why online pharmacies are becoming more and more attractive is because of the convenience that they offer. We are living in a world where time is very precious. There is more to do and very little time. Even with shopping this is the case. People therefore prefer to shop from the convenient of their homes rather than drive to an actual pharmacy.

Another reason why online pharmacies have become very popular is because it is possible to browse though a great number of medical prescriptions and drugs in a very short time. This luxury is not afforded patients who visit a regular pharmacy or a hospital or a clinic. It is also possible to research the medications before buying and even reading reviews from others who have purchased the same prescription. This is a great advantage.

Talking of advantage and convenience, online pharmacies are ideal because one does not need a prescription when shopping. This is convenient for many because there are some drugs which cannot be acquired without a prescription meaning for a regular pharmacy to even consider selling the drugs it the patient has to visit a doctor first. Online pharmacies are also a source of hard-to-find medicines. There are medicines which are not very common in some parts of the country where one lives and so these pharmacies offer a welcome alternative. There are also those who live too far from any regular pharmacy and for them to get medicine it would take a while. For these, online pharmacies are the best alternative.

We can also say that these pharmacies are important because they are safe and secure. Identity theft is indeed a real problem on the Internet but the threat has diminished considerably because online shops have instituted safeguards such as tougher encryption, requiring ID before allowing check processing and also asking for credit card security code information before processing the transaction. Some websites even record the IP address of the computer. This has made more people confident of shopping online.

Irene James is an expert in online pharmacies and has considerable experience when it comes to the best local, foreign and Mexican online pharmacies. You can view her work at.

Over Use of Antibiotics Causes Them to Become Ineffective

Antibiotics represent the number one method for people to fight against bacterial infections. The discovery and improvement of antibiotics has gone a long way to extending the lifespan of millions and perhaps billions of people.

Alas, we are discovering that antibiotics lose their effectiveness over time. It all has to do with the concept of survival of the fittest. When first introduced to bacteria, an antibiotic is all powerful and able to wipe out the bacteria. Over time, however, the bacterium found in the environment slowly evolves until it reaches a point where the antibiotic no longer does the job.

There is a load of criticism being directed towards the medical community regarding the excessive prescribing of antibiotics for situations that do not call for it. For instance, doctors regularly prescribe them for the flu. The problem with this is no antibiotic fights the cause of the flu.

So, who cares if the antibiotics are being used to often? Well, all of us should care. The more the antibiotics are used, the quicker bacterium begins to develop resistances to the drugs. Soon, you have a form of bacteria that is very difficult to fight and even, potentially, impossible to cure.

A classic example of this problem is being seen with the basic staph infection. Staphylococcus Aureus is a common bacterium that a majority of us have on our bodies now, particularly in our noses. As long as it remains on the exterior of our bodies, it poses no health threat. When it gets into our bodies, it is known as a staph infection.

Staph infections have always been treated with antibiotics. Unfortunately, a strain of these bacteria has become resistant to antibiotics. Known as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus or MRSA, the strain now kills 19,000 plus people a year. It is causing kinds of problems in medical facilities and is becoming such a serious problem that NFL players such as Kellen Winslow, Jr., and Peyton Manning have been infected and missed preparation or playing time.

There are still methods for treating these antibiotic-resistant strains, but time may be running out on us. While everyone likes to get worked up about bioterrorism threats and scary, but unlikely, health threat scenarios, the truth is a really scary situation faces us now and nobody is really talking about it. If MRSA, for instance, develops a complete resistance to medications, the consequences would be shocking. Every surgical procedure would run the risk of death by infection.

Is there anything you can do about antibiotic resistance issues? Unless you are a doctor, the answer is probably not. Still, keep yourself informed on the subject as the medical profession has made an effort to keep the problem under wraps.

John Grimes is with - makers of Hand Sanz which kills the MRSA staph infection in 15 seconds.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Current Status of Enzyme Therapy in the Management of Chronic Disorders

Enzymes are present in organisms as single units or in multienzyme complexes. Posttranslational modifications of amino acid residues take place after peptide assembly on the ribosome; hydroxylation, phosphorylation, sulfation, N-terminal acetylation, and glycosylation are a few examples. The nature of posttranslational modifications and the hydrophobicity of amino acid side chains determine whether the enzyme is free or membrane-bound.1, 2

Enzymes catalyze biochemical reactions in living systems which would otherwise proceed too slowly at physiological temperature and pH to sustain life. Specificity and high catalytic power are two special attributes of enzymes which distinguish them from ordinary chemical catalysts.3

Clinical and pharmaceutical importance of enzymes

A variety of diseases can be detected through altered body fluid levels of specific enzymes.

Table 1 Disease detection via enzymes

Enzyme Disease

Aspartate aminotransferase Liver disease

Alanine aminotransferase Liver disease

Acid phosphatase Prostate carcinoma

Alkaline phosphatase Bone disease, Hepatobiliary disease

Creatine kinase Myocardial infarction, Muscle disease

Lactate dehydrogenase Myocardial infarction, Liver disease

Cholinesterase Organophosphate poisoning

Pancreas enzymes Pancreatic diseases.

glutamyltranspeptidase Liver disease, Alcoholism

Elevated plasma and urine lysozyme levels are typical for lymphocytic leukemia's and degenerative kidney diseases with glomerular and proximal tubular damage. Normalization of lysozyme plasma levels and disappearance of lysozyme in the urine are of prognostic value in successful kidney transplants.
Various types of cancer are associated with a general increase in plasma proteinases. The presence of various plasminogen activators and their inhibitors in many malignancies suggests that the fibrinolytic system is involved in the regulation of tumor growth and metastatis. Local changes in fibrinolytic activity such as reduced tPA and increased urokinase levels in biopsies of the intestinal mucosa are characteristic in inflammatory and (pre)malignant processes in the colon.4
Replacement therapy in enzyme dysfunction or as adjusting agents in biochemical processes that have gone awry. Examples include, Fibrinolytic enzymes in thrombotic disorders; Proteolytic enzymes in wound healing; Amino acid degrading enzymes and Dimeric ribonuclease in cancer therapy; Digestive enzymes; Hyaluronidase and superoxide dismutase in inflammations, and many others.

Enzymes of nonhuman origin sometimes are potent immunogens or allergens. Their delivery systems must protect them from inactivation before the target side is reached, and yet allow the enzymes to be released at the target site, eventually with their specific cofactors if required. Nonetheless enzymes are attractive drugs because of their specificity and efficiency.5

Enzyme inhibitors:

Natural and synthetic enzyme inhibitors have become increasingly important in medicine, and have developed into a separate class of drugs. These inhibitors form tight noncovalent or irreversible covalent complexes with their target enzymes.6,7

Thrombin is a key enzyme in clot formation, acting as a catalyst of conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. Hirudin, a potent thrombin inhibitor from leech extracts, is available as a recombinant polypeptide and is currently under investigation in various clinical trials.8,9
The bovine basic pancreatic proteinase inhibitor aprotinin inactivates kallikrein and is used successfully in supplementary treatment of acute pancreatitis and shock.10Rennin inhibitors such as pepstain are currently under investigation to lower blood pressure.11,12

Enzyme in therapy:

Genetic defects 13, 14

Metabolic diseases are caused by specific enzyme defects, in which the enzyme is not expressed or is dysfunctional due to a sequence mutation or posttranslational inactivation. Some of these diseases can be treated with controlled diets. For example, phenylketonuria caused by phenylalanine-hydroxylase deficiency requires a phenylalanine-free diet. More often replacement therapy is needed, requiring the targeting of a replacement enzyme toward specific organs or tissues.

Other well-known" inborn errors of metabolism" are Pompe's disease or type II glycogen-storage disease in which deficient ±-1,4-glucosidase results in excessive accumulation of glycogen in liver and muscle cell lysosomes, Alcaptonuria (deficienct homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase), Hemophilia B (factor IXa), Galactosemia( UDPG-hexose-1-phosphate transferase), Gaucher's disease (²-glucocerebrosidase), Von Gierke's disease (glucose-6-phosphatase), Pentosuria (xylulose reductase), Nieman-Pick disease (Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase), and the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome in which the absence of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribose transferase causes impaired nucleotide metabolism in brain cells and results in a severe neurological disorder.

Cancer therapy:
L-Asparaginase is used as an anticancer drug. Certain tumor cell types lack asparagines synthetase activity and need this amino acid as an essential nutrient, in contrast to normal cells. Asparaginase selectively kills the tumor cells by depleting the circulating level of asparagines. It has also been suggested that L-aspartate as a metabolite may be toxic toward neoplastic cells. 15
Acute lymphocytic leukemia treatment with asparaginase is relatively successful; some studies report complete remission in up to 60% of the treated patients.16 Patients subject to prolonged treatment with the enzyme often develop a resistence due to the high titer of their neutralizing antibodies. Nevertheless, the therapeutic index of asparaginase compares very favorably to other antileukemic drugs.

It was speculated that certain types of cancer cells might also lack other particular pathways for amino acid synthesis and thus have amino acid requirements that are masked because of the presence of these amino acids in the diet. Enzyme therapy depleting the required amino acid would lead to the selective killing of these cells. Glutamine, Cysteine, and Arginine have been the subject of studies for possible enzyme-depletion therapy. In addition to the E.coli and Erwinia asparaginase, two types of glutaminase-asparaginase (PGA and AGA) might be suitable therapeutic enzymes since both have antitumor activity in experimental animal models.17 Allergic reactions and some times neurotoxicity were the most serious side effects. The use of polymerized enzyme is preferred, since the unmodified enzyme has a plasma half-life of only 80 min.18
Of particular interest in cancer therapy is Carboxypeptidase G which hydrolyzes the terminal aspartate and glutamate moieties in oligopeptides and the glutamate moiety in reduced and nonreduced folates. Purified carboxypeptidase G from various Pseudomonas strains prevents methotrexate toxicity in humans.19

The antineoplastic effect of bovine pancreas ribonuclease has been reported in chronic myelocytic leukemia patients. However, limited information is available from clinical trials. Dimeric ribonuclease displays selective toxicity in animal tumors and may be a promising candidate as therapeutic enzyme.

Bacteriolytic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory enzymes:
Lysozyme is present as an antibacterial agent in body fluids and cavities in direct contact with the external environment. It is available as a pharmaceutical preparation in tablets, ointments, powders, and infusions and is used as an antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory drug. The commercial preparations contain hen egg-white lysozyme which is easily isolated and purified from egg whites in large-scale projects. This enzyme is nontoxic and only weakly antigenic and can be administered internally in large doses without significant side effects. Lysozyme has chitinase, muramidase, and transglycosidase activity and acts upon bacteria in many ways. The proteoglycan layer in cell walls is the natural substrate for this enzyme.

Lysozyme has a distinct antiviral activity against herpes labialis, zoster, and simplex I and II types in humans, as well as against some oncogenic viruses in animal studies. Lysozyme stimulates phagocytosis and favors wound healing and regression of degenerative and necrotic processes.20 Lysozyme is administered in intramuscular or parenteral injections in herpes zoster and viral hepatitis, and in ointments for the treatment of herpetic keratitis, burns, and wounds and gynecological infections.

Corticoids and antibiotics have a synergestic action and are combined with lysozyme in aerosols for the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases. Proteolytic enzymes and antiseptics are frequently used as adjuvant agents for dermatological applications. Bovine pancreatic ribonuclease appears to be an effective antiviral enzyme against tick-borne encephalitis. It has no side effects and results in more rapid temperature normalization and regression of meningeal symptoms than antiencephalitic gamma globulin.21

Commercial hyaluronidase preparations contain the bovine-testicular type (hyaluronate-4-glycanohydrolase) or the leech-type enzyme (hyaluronate-3-glycanohydrolase). They are used in the treatment of keloids, ligneous conjunctivitis, and connective-tissue inflammation and as adjuvant in cancer therapy to facilitate transport and resorption of cytostatic agents.22 Animal studies revealed that hyaluronidase also acts as a cardiac lymphagogue, thereby reducing myocardial infarction after coronary artery occlusion.23

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) acts as an oxygen radical scavenger; under inflammatory conditions its levels are increased. Depending on the nature of the disease, SOD is administered in injections, encapsulated in liposomes as a copper-zinc-SOD complex, or externally in creams.24 the enzyme is effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, crohn's disease, progressive systemic sclerosis, dermatitis herpetiformis, and mucocutaneous lymph-node syndrome. It also prevents myocardial injury as a consequence of chemotherapy in neoplstic diseases.25

Proteolytic enzymes:
Enzymes hydrolyzing peptide bonds are not only important in food digestion, but also play essential roles in biological processes such as coagulation and hemostasis, complement activation, peptide hormone release, wound healing, and control of protein metabolism.25,26

Trypsin and chymotrypsin are classical examples of proteinases used in wound healing. They facilitate the removal of necrotic tissue and scab material trapping bacteria inside the wound. These enzymes are frequently combined with antiseptics or antibiotics in ointments and bandages. Recently a new enzyme extract from Antarctic krill (E.superba) has been tested as a possible candidate preparation for the debridement of ulcerative lesions.28

Antithrombotic therapy:

An imbalance between coagulation and fibrinolysis leading to excessive fibrin deposition can be approached either by the reduction of the coagulation potency or by an increase of the fibrinolytic potency. Various aspects of fibrinolytic enhancement are still under development. Thrombolytic thearpy is used in the initial management of patients with deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
Streptokinase and urokinase have been used extensively in the treatment of venous thromboembolism. They are more potent than free circulating plasmin, which is rapidly inactivated by circulating alpha 2-antiplasmin 30, 29. Randomized studies have demonstrated that intravenous tissue plasminogen activator is more efficient than streptokinase in the treatment of coronary occlusion in acute myocardial infarction 31, 32. Commercial recombinant tissue plasminogen activator for the treatment of acute myocardial infarct is mainly obtained from Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO).

Chymopapain, an oxidation-sensitive cysteine proteinase from Carica papaya has been proposed for the treatment of herniated lumbar discs. Intradiscal injection of chymopapin results in dissolution of the mucopolysaccharide - protein complex of an extruding nucleus pulposus, the centre cushioning of gelatinous mass lying within the intervertebral disc, thereby relieving the pain associated with a pressurized nerve. Large-scale follow-up studies indicate that chemonucleolysis is as successful a procedure as surgical discectomy, with a 76-80% success rate in both groups 33, 34, 35. Some pathological peculiarities associated with herniated discs might be unfit for treatment by chemonucleolysis, for example, discs extruding nucleus pulposus through the annulus, a case in which the risk of damage to the spinal cord is predominant .36

Pancreas enzymes:
Digestion of food is facilitated by the pancrease enzyme trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase, carboxypeptidase A and B, phospholipase A - 2 and lipase and amylase. The main lipid component in food is long-chain triacylglycerol, which is hydrolyzed into fatty acids and sn-2-monoacylglycerol. Both products are readily absorbed in the intestine. This hydrolysis is catalyzed sequentially by gastric lipase secreted by the chief cells of the stomach and by colipase-dependent pancrease 37.

Pancreatic lipases, proteases and amylases are prescribed as replacement therapy in pancreatic insufficiency where the enzyme output has fallen below 10%. Pancreatin of mammal origin is used in commercial preparations for substitution treatment 38, 40. Pharmaceutical formulations show considerable variation in enzyme activity and bile salt content. Cellulose is sometimes added as adjuvant enzyme. Since the extent of pancreas malfunction varies significantly among patients, individualization of the treatment is indicated in determining the optimal enzyme dosage, formulation type, time of administration with respect to meals and frequency of administration.

Conclusion and future trends:
The elucidation on a molecular level of disease-related biochemical processes enables the definition of the type and specific target area of key enzymes or inhibitors necessary for restoring normal physiological conditions. Enzymes are attractive drug candidates because of their reaction specificity and catalytic efficiency. However, their protein nature imposes some limitations on their use in therapy. Organ specific targeted enzymes require parenteral administration and proteins of non-human origin are often allergenic or immunogenic. Considerable progress has been made in the refinement of isolation procedures to reduce or eliminate toxic contaminants, and the development of specific chemical modification and targeting techniques offers new possibilities for prolonging half life and improving enzyme bioavailability. The most promising results are undoubtedly to be expected from the field of genetic engineering and site specific mutagenesis. Mutant enzymes with altered or improved specificity, enhanced stability, and reduced immunogenicity will become available at an affordable cost.

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2. Moss, D. W., Henderson, A. R., and Kachmar., J. F., Enzymes. In: Textbook of Clinical chemistry (N. W. Tietz, ed.), W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1986, pp. 619-774.
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4. Bickerstaff, G. F., and New Studies in Biology: enzymes in industry and medicine, Edward Arnold publish ltd., London, Baltimore, 1987.
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6. Horl, H., and Heildland, A., eds., proteases: potential role in health and disease, In: advances in experimental medicine and biology, vol. 167, plenum press, new York and London. 1982.
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8. Kuada, T., and Abiko, Y., Thromb. Res., 24:285-298 (1981).
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20. Canfield, R. E., Collins, J.C., and Sobel, J. H., Lysozyme, 1st ed., Academic Press, New York, 1974
21. Levy, C. C., and Karpetsky, T. P., Human Ribonucleases. In: Enzymes as drugs (J. S. Holcenberg and J. Roberts, eds.,) Wiley, New York, 1981, pp. 156.
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N. Saleem Basha*1, R. Meenakshi Sundaram 2 and R. Rekha 3

*1 Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Mohamed Sathak A.J College of Pharmacy, Chennai, India. 2, 3 Department of Pharmacognosy, Mohamed Sathak A.J College of Pharmacy, Chennai, India.

*1 Corresponding author.

N. Saleem Basha, Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Mohamed Sathak A. J. College of Pharmacy, Medavakkam, Chennai- 600 119, India. Tel: 919943998065.


Self-Assembling Hydrogel - A New Drug Delivery System

Hydrogels have been around for for quite some time now. And despite their utility, their toxic components, and use as drug carriers have been their popular shortcomings. However, recently a self-assembling version of the pharmaceutical raw material has been developed, which is claimed to be biocompatible.

If you are new to hydrogels, then simply put, it's a gel in which water is the continuous phase and it has a myriad medical and industrial applications.

Hydrogels have seen a number of developments over the years and the new research is the most recent advancement for using them as a pharmaceutical controlled drug delivery vehicles.

During the course of their study, instead to reinventing the wheel, researchers went about exploring means by which medically approved drugs can be converted into amphiphilic molecules which can self assemble. Finding new uses of the already approved pharmaceutical excipients seems to be a slick way to tackle the issue of the time it takes to get a new molecule or pharmaceutical ingredients approved.

And now the researchers' efforts have led them to develop structures capable of delivering high concentrations of pharmaceutical drugs minus the negative side effects. It still the beginning, an important one though, because this newly formulated pharmaceutical raw material can be a stepping stone for making drug-based delivery carriers which can release a number of drugs e.g. anti-inflammatory drugs.

This research also seems to be important as it might even help eliminate the need for an external carrier for as a means of drug delivery. Also this research conducted by scientists from the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology (HST) will reportedly be published in the journal, Biomaterials.

Fred is a journalist with 7 years of experience. Though, as a professional He's reported on myriad topics, his favorite is the medical industry. Off late he's been working on different web portals including Themedica is a comprehensive business-to-business (b2b) information portal and directory, featuring useful information for medical and health care industry professionals and businesses. It showcases resources such as trade shows, industry overviews, trade associations, global business listings, industry news, tenders, medical publications, informative articles and more that help professionals/businesses stay abreast with the latest and grow. He now blogs at Smiling Health

Guide on Ceramics Usage in the Medical Industry

If you have ever heard of knee replacement surgery and wondered with which material the knee joints are made up of then the answer to that is the ceramic material. Also hip replacement surgery is done to replace the damaged hip bones because of accidents or old age. The material used nowadays in those hip bones is advanced ceramics.

The ceramics which are used in the medical industry are vastly different from what is used in the ball bearings or the dental industry. The ball bearings use the silica nitride or the silica carbide as the ceramics. This material has the ability to withstand large amounts of heat and that alone helps in reduced damage to the mechanical parts.

The medical industry's usage of ceramics is different in nature because of the fact that they use what is called as oxide ceramics which are the aluminum oxide or the zirconium oxide.

The basic need of the medical usage especially in hip and knee joints is that they should be strong and hard and also very stiff. In fact the ceramics used in the hips and the bones are so much harder that the only material which will be harder than them will be diamond. Also the other need is that no material or chemical should be able to corrode them or even have any sort of fungus formation or any bacterial germination in them. The reason is not hard to fathom as these will reside in the human body for almost 10 -20 years and there is no way of telling whether they are being corroded inside the body.

Now these oxide ceramics are chemically inert in the best possible manner which means that they cannot be damaged whatsoever.

The other advantage of the ceramic material used in the hip and knees treatment is that these cannot wear off easily and that means there are no particles which splinter off.

The biggest disadvantage about the ceramic material is that during the extreme stress and inaccurate stress conditions these materials can burst and splinter off the parts through out the whole body. That usually will happen in case there is extreme pressure that is deployed at incorrect angles or because of long usage say about 15 to 20 years.

All said the ceramics definitely have a lot of uses in the medical industry and further research is being done whereby even minimum amount of damage and wear and tear that occurs can be reduced and that will eliminate any need of further checks once these parts are put inside the body.

ceramic ball bearings industry has grown to a large size and the author talks about special ceramic ball bearings usage in the modern industrial world

What the Heck is a Generic Medical Release Form?

Sooner or later, you will be asked to sign a general medical release form. This may be at the hospital, at your doctor's office, before getting a tattoo or just before participating in a dangerous sport. The form really isn't for the doctors, the nurses or even for yourself or your health. It's more for your health insurance's convenience and for the convenience of any lawyers that might be involved should your medical case ever go to court. They can be slightly altered, like a business contract can be altered, to suit many occasions where you may wind up going to the hospital.

What They Look Like

Remember as a child playing with books of Mad Libs? They featured a lot of blank spaces in sentences to make a very funny mixture. When you first take a look at a generic medical release form, it will look a lot like a longer version of a Mad Lib. There are a lot of blanks that are filled in by you, your doctor or a business establishment to help suit whatever occasion is needed.

When You Will See Them

There are many situations where you may wind up having a page full of blank spaces handed to you on a clipboard to sign. If you want to get any kind of body piercing or if you want to go horseback riding, then you usually have to sign one of these forms before you are allowed in on the fun. General medical release forms, in these cases, means that you are aware that risks can happen and that you won't sue the pants off of anybody as the result of engaging on a somewhat dangerous activity.

You will also see these forms if you are about to get major or minor surgery. They also state that you are aware that you are about to engage in an activity that in inherently risky. Many health insurance plans require you to sign these forms even if you need life-saving surgery.

But What If I Need To Sue?

Even though your signature may be on a truckload of general medical release forms, you still have the right to sue in extreme situations. For example, if you hired a horse for horseback riding, then the stable has to legally provide you with a horse safe for riding. If they give you a horse that literally eats people in the middle of a ride, then you have a very good case for suing the stable due to the loss of your pound of flesh.

But you can't sue the stable for blisters on your heels because of having to wear protective footwear. You also can't sue for destruction of your clothing should the horse slobber on you after the ride.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about generic medical release form, please visit A Medical Transcription Guide for current articles and discussions.

Medical Labels - Using Proper Identification to Save Lives

Hospital medication errors injure 400,000 people every year and cost millions of dollars in rising malpractice insurance rates, lawsuits and extended hospital stays. Surgical errors, while considerably smaller in number, are almost as expensive, not merely in terms of lawsuits but in loss of patient confidence. All these errors can be prevented by accurate, timely, definitive medical labeling.

The errors are not surprising. Hospitals struggle with budgets, and these fiscal restraints mean they are often understaffed. As a result, medical personnel, from nurses to technicians, often have to work twice as hard to manage rising levels of admissions as baby-boomers succumb to the problems of aging, and fast-spreading seasonal illnesses like flu swamp staffing parameters.

Syringe labels that detail the protocols for administering medication, backed by medication labels that state medication names on IV lines, go a long way toward preventing medication errors. Additional line ID labels and IV tube change labels assist change-of-staff procedures, helping incoming nurses see the status of their patients at a glance.

Laboratory labels that specify the types of urine, blood or tissue testing to be done prevent unreadable handwriting from becoming an issue when the wrong test results are delivered to doctors, and prevent additional blood draws from patients in an already precarious state of health.

Patient advisory and warning labels, for everything from a dietary restriction to a medication allergy, keep patients safe from inadvertent mix-ups, and patient chart and file labels provide consulting physicians with easy access to vital information, such as known and potentially lethal medical conditions.

In the fast-paced world of medical care, where patients are routinely handed off to shifts every six to eight hours, labeling is essentially medical shorthand for patient care, enabling workers - even those with English as a second language - to comply with safety protocols that protect patients from harm and hospitals from serious error. Medical labels are an essential in an any medical setting.

Stephen is a writer for Universal Medical Inc.
Universal Medical Inc is a premier provider of medical labels and health care industry products. For the complete label line - please visit

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Adult Stem Cells - The Greatest Medicine in the History of Man

I call adult stem cell the greatest medicine in the history of mankind.

Think about that a little bit. What other medicine has absolutely no side effects? What other medicine can improve the condition of 100+ diseases and conditions. What other medicine other than adult stem cells can also help horses, dogs, and cats? What other medicine can help heal serious injuries such as broken bones, cartilage, and spinal cord injuries?

Stem cell treatment using adult stem cells is the future of medicine and the future is now. Adult stem cell treatment has the unique ability to replace cells and repair tissue affected by disease, age, and injury.

Adult Stem Cell therapy offers hope to billions of people, from heart disease patients who are in congestive heart failure, to Parkinson's and Multiple Sclerosis patients, diabetic patients so they can eliminate their insulin, even helping paralyzed patients by Spinal Cord Injuries- just to name a few.

Adult Stem Cell Treatment offers no controversy such as the controversy associated with embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells have no risk of rejection. The worst thing that can happen when adult stem cells are used is that the adult stem cells don't help- ie. no improvement. Not to mention that adult stem cells can save and improve millions of lives (and save billions of dollars in medical costs) right now.

Raising awareness of the benefits of adult stem cell treatment is vital to achieve that. For example, right now, in the United States, there are millions of heart patients who can benefit from adult stem cells, but it isn't available to them. Even if they are fortunate to find the miracle stem cell treatment that may help them, they often have to travel half way around the world just to receive that treatment. There must be a better way and adult stem cells is the way. Let's make them available in the United States and the rest of an unsuspecting world today!

The Repair Stem Cell Institute is a public-service company formed to educate, teach, and help patients with chronic diseases and conditions to find qualified doctors who provide Adult Stem Cell therapy to improve the patient's quality of life.

The Repair Stem Cell Institute website has a list of diseases and injuries that are now being treated with adult stem cells. The site also tells the reader where and how to seek out that particular stem cell treatment.

Adult Stem Cells (AKA Repair Stem Cells) can now help more than 100 diseases and conditions. The Repair Stem Cell Institute provides the latest up to date information on these adult stem cell treatments.

Don Margolis, the founder of the Repair Stem Cell Institute also keeps a blog which he updates almost daily. His blog contains the latest successful adult stem cell therapy stories and discoveries.

Operating Room Equipment - Assisting Surgeons During Critical Times

Every day, lives are saved thanks to the capable hands of surgeons. However, those hands could not perform the miracles that they do without the help of reliable operating room equipment.

The equipment that resides within any operating suite takes a great deal of stress and abuse. This is precisely why everything from rail cramps to leg stirrups must be virtually indestructible. Aside from operating rooms, all kinds of medical professionals including dentists and oncologists must be able to rely upon the equipment that they use.

While operating tables themselves are, indeed, crucial, smaller accessories that contribute to a patient's well-being are also vital. Gel pads of different lengths, foam pads that can withstand numerous patients per day, and arm tables that won't tear or break are just some of the things that help the operating room tick.

In addition, surgical and dental loupes provide physicians with an extra set of eyes, while head lamps help to guide the way. All of these things combined make up a successful, state-of-the art operating room. Using the best tools on the market allows surgeons to heal the human body with incredibly accuracy and exactitude, resulting in happier patients.

Patients that enter a top-notch operating room often recover faster; enjoy higher comfort levels; and have elevated success rates. Performing multiple surgeries per day is no small feat, though thousands of surgeons do it every day. Nothing can replace the careful and capable hands of a skilled surgeon - still, the right operating room equipment can effectively sharpen those skills.

Stephen is a writer for Universal Medical Inc. Universal Medical Inc is a premier provider of operating room equipment and health care industry products. For the complete operating room equipment line - please visit

Get Off Prescription Medications

Do you want to get off prescriptions? A prescription medication is what a physician prescribes for a symptom. In order to stop meds, there are some steps you can take.

Step 1. Tell your doctor to monitor you while you're making healthy changes. You do not have to ask their permission, but let them know what changes you're making. If there is a reasonable conflict, then change your plan. For example, say you wanted to go on a grapefruit diet but were taking a prescription medication that prohibits that. The doctor would be able to let you know that grapefruit has been shown to interfere with some enzymes that break down certain drugs in our intestines and liver, increasing blood levels of the drug which could lead to a higher risk of serious side effects. For this reason, any grapefruit product including dietary supplements that contain grapefruit flavonoids, can cause the same problems. In this situation, you would change your plan. Let's continue with the steps.

Step 2. Nourish your cells.

This is a big step. If you don't take this step, there's NO WAY you'll ever get off prescriptions. The reason? You cannot eat the foods necessary to provide your body with the nourishment it needs to stay healthy, fight illness, and prevent disease. Unless you eat foods grown in nutrient dense soil, allowed to ripen on the vine, and eaten without processing, it is impossible to get balanced nutrition. Plants get nutrients from the soil as they grow and ripen. If you pick an orange from a tree that hasn't got good soil, it will not have the 90mg of Vitamin C that it should have. Especially if picked early. Shipping foods, changes in temperature, and storage are also factors that deplete foods of nutrients. Then, we process the food. When I first heard about processing, I wasn't exactly sure what people were talking about. As I learned, it's not just fast foods, it's basics foods.

Let's look at eggs. They have really gotten a bad rap!

Once the agricultural revolution began, chickens were packed in together for large scale production. Then, they were fed cheaply and given hormones and antibiotics to keep up production and minimize illness. There is still an enormous loss of these animals because of their lifestyle, just like us!
So...when you get the egg, it's very easy to break because it has a thin shell (the first sign of a bad egg). The yolk is pale (compared to a good egg), and the whites are, well, runny. Enzymes are lost and protein denatured when you cook an egg. I don't eat uncooked eggs though. Yuck! Some people do, and achieve the benefits. Did you know that an egg from a chicken that is not raised under those conditions has such powerful nutrition, that it will balance cholesterol levels even when cooked? In our family, we eat up to 10 eggs a week - per person! No one in our family has high cholesterol levels. So, you can't tell me that eggs are bad for cholesterol. You can tell me that bad eggs are bad for cholesterol!

How do you get your nutrition in today's world of processing? More processing. Really? Yep, the right kind of processing. Using today's technology, nutrient balance can be achieved using science. Here's what you need to know about balance. If we don't have it, our bodies get sick. To get off prescriptions you must provide nutritional balance to your body. For example, when we don't provide the body with the right kind of calcium, it steals it from the bone to help the heart. The body prioritizes. To it, the heart is more important. To you, the response is painful joints. If you are on a medication for osteoporosis, once balance is achieved, talk with your doctor to get off prescriptions.

Step 3. With your doctor's guidance, reduce or eliminate prescriptions one at a time.

Medications are chemicals. Your body does not recognize them. Aspirin was developed for headache relief. That does not mean your body is deficient in aspirin! You can live without it. Aspirin is not a prescription, but consider this: taking an aspirin a day increases your risk of developing macular degeneration? Why? Because those tiny blood vessels in your eye can bleed. Aspirin causes hemorrhaging at the capillary level. The smaller the blood vessel (capillary), the higher the risk. Your eyes and kidneys have very small blood vessels.

Look at your body systems. Doctors have done this for years. The trouble is, we don't re-connect and look at the whole. For example, lets look at the heart with regard to blood pressure.
Get off prescriptions for your heart? Most people who want to do that are guys. Why? Blood pressure medication can cause impotence. What guy wants to go through life with that? Oh, there's that prescription to counteract that, but at what risk to the heart? A huge one. When you have high blood pressure, unless it's related to stress (that's another story), the body senses a need to have higher pressure. It's trying to push that blood into places that aren't getting the blood needed. Those places can be your brain, your heart, your kidneys, or your legs - for example. When you have thickening in your blood vessels, it takes more pressure to get the blood through.

Thickening is caused by inflammation which is caused by nutritional deficiencies. The body doesn't have enough Vitamin C, L-lysine, and L-proline. Look for a high quality full spectrum multivitamin/mineral product with these nutrients for heart health. Don't forget your Omegas! Combined with your multi may just change your health story!

Step 4. Enjoy life when you get off prescriptions.

Deb Shore is the author of the website She has helped hundreds of the "health challenged" create a new lifestyle through her online stories. If you're looking for a way to change your health story, check it out! Learn how to build your foundation of health through NUTRITION!

Another ADHD New Medication Option?

Vyvanse was released and since the drug was just approved; most physicians don't yet have enough experience with it to make specific recommendations. This drug by and large did well in clinical studies and the most common side effects were decreased appetite, difficulty falling asleep, stomachache, and irritability, as with most amphetamines.

The ADHD new medication Vyvanse was manufactured to last 12 hours, however doctors don't know if there are any long-term effects of having the drug in your bloodstream for the extended time. The side effects of this ADHD medication can be detrimental if your child has the following conditions:

1. Arteriosclerosis

2. Symptomatic heart disease

3. Moderate to severe high blood pressure

4. Hyperthyroidism

5. Allergy to drugs called sympathomimetic amines (pseudoephedrine)

6. Seizures

7. Glaucoma

8. History of problems with alcohol or drugs

9. Agitated states, Aggression Behavior or Hostility

10. Taken a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) within the last 14 days

11. Visual Disturbance

12. Depression (sadness, worthlessness, or hopelessness)

13. Bipolar Disorder

14. Abnormal thoughts and behavior, diagnosed with psychosis

15. Worsening of verbal tics, and Tourette's syndrome

Children who are not growing or gaining weight as expected for normal development may need to have this treatment stopped. Is this the ADHD new medication you are looking for?

What parent wants to give their child something that can cause such detrimental health issues? Are you one of the many parents looking for the best medication for ADHD for their child without all of these harmful side effects? Another option could be the ingredients in natural remedies which are formulated as a means to work with the body to heal itself as nature intended without the worry of giving prescription medications.

The wonderful thing about the internet is that it puts more power in your hands as a parent to find more information to research the best medication for ADHD and all the products available so you can make an informed decision for your child.

R.T. Shelly is a health enthusiast who has been researching natural remedies for various health conditions for many years. Find out more about some of the most effective treatments for ADHD on her site,

Orthopedic Services Include MRI

Doctors with patients requiring orthopedic care must send that patient to an orthopedic specialist. Only a specialist understands the intricacies of orthopedic medicine that deals with disorders of the bones, joints, ligaments or muscles. They typically employ state-of-the-art equipment such as in-house MRI machines. An orthopedic specialist that offers complete treatment in the same facility will be able to save patients time and traveling expenses and produce medical reports more quickly and efficiently.

You should look for an orthopedic specialist that offers comprehensive medical treatment of the bones and joints, comprehensive pain management, and other services. Comprehensive treatment should include:

• Surgical and Non-Surgical Treatment
• Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine
• Hand Surgery
• Shoulder and Knee Surgery
• Microsurgery
• Laser Surgery

Comprehensive pain management that the specialist offers should include:

• Epidural Injections
• Nerve Root Blocks
• Drug Detoxification Therapy
• Discograms

Additional services that an orthopedic specialist should offer include:

• Physical Therapy
• Occupational Therapy
• Acupuncture
• State of the Art MRI

In addition to MRI usage, some of these specialists also offer services in Internal Medicine. Such specialists might include aid for gastro intestinal disorders, pulmonary, and cardio vascular diseases and/or hypertension, stress, and anxiety. Orthopedic specialists often specialize in one particular area of their field. For instance, this type of specialist might specialize in hand surgery. Such a can help any patients that suffer from hand disorders or injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

To send patients to a great orthopedic specialist in California, consider the physicians at the California Hand Surgery and Orthopedic Specialist Medical Clinic, Inc. This office of specialists offers every imaginable orthopedic service in one location as well as cutting-edge MRI technology and several surgical centers for the patients' convenience. Visit them at for more information.

The California Hand Surgery and Orthopedic Specialist Medical Clinic, Inc. offers the best in orthopedic care and MRI technology. Learn more about their services by visiting