Saturday, November 1, 2008

Adult Stem Cells - The Greatest Medicine in the History of Man

I call adult stem cell the greatest medicine in the history of mankind.

Think about that a little bit. What other medicine has absolutely no side effects? What other medicine can improve the condition of 100+ diseases and conditions. What other medicine other than adult stem cells can also help horses, dogs, and cats? What other medicine can help heal serious injuries such as broken bones, cartilage, and spinal cord injuries?

Stem cell treatment using adult stem cells is the future of medicine and the future is now. Adult stem cell treatment has the unique ability to replace cells and repair tissue affected by disease, age, and injury.

Adult Stem Cell therapy offers hope to billions of people, from heart disease patients who are in congestive heart failure, to Parkinson's and Multiple Sclerosis patients, diabetic patients so they can eliminate their insulin, even helping paralyzed patients by Spinal Cord Injuries- just to name a few.

Adult Stem Cell Treatment offers no controversy such as the controversy associated with embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells have no risk of rejection. The worst thing that can happen when adult stem cells are used is that the adult stem cells don't help- ie. no improvement. Not to mention that adult stem cells can save and improve millions of lives (and save billions of dollars in medical costs) right now.

Raising awareness of the benefits of adult stem cell treatment is vital to achieve that. For example, right now, in the United States, there are millions of heart patients who can benefit from adult stem cells, but it isn't available to them. Even if they are fortunate to find the miracle stem cell treatment that may help them, they often have to travel half way around the world just to receive that treatment. There must be a better way and adult stem cells is the way. Let's make them available in the United States and the rest of an unsuspecting world today!

The Repair Stem Cell Institute is a public-service company formed to educate, teach, and help patients with chronic diseases and conditions to find qualified doctors who provide Adult Stem Cell therapy to improve the patient's quality of life.

The Repair Stem Cell Institute website has a list of diseases and injuries that are now being treated with adult stem cells. The site also tells the reader where and how to seek out that particular stem cell treatment.

Adult Stem Cells (AKA Repair Stem Cells) can now help more than 100 diseases and conditions. The Repair Stem Cell Institute provides the latest up to date information on these adult stem cell treatments.

Don Margolis, the founder of the Repair Stem Cell Institute also keeps a blog which he updates almost daily. His blog contains the latest successful adult stem cell therapy stories and discoveries.


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